However, that smell of sweet young pussy that they thought was in the air, was actually the smell of the moderator’s Old Spice soon to replaced by the smell shit as the alleged perpetrator soiled themselves when they figured that they were not only caught but on camera. I laughed at how some of them would protest their innocence swearing that this was just an aberration and would not happen again. I would smile knowing that they were about to get a knee to the back of the neck as the police arrested them on the ground. Another sexual predator would be behind bars and all would be well with the world.
Today I read on MSNBC that there were 3 teenage girls in Pennsylvania that were suing the District Attorney in Wyoming County to prevent him from charging them with child pornography and the distribution of such material. Apparently the girls had taken pictures of themselves partially dressed using their cell phones and as will happen with kids, the pictures found their way to the cell phones of their class mates. This, the DA says, was illegal.
Now I’m not sure how this will come out, but I wonder if it doesn’t come out in favor of the girls, will they have to go around for the rest of their lives listed as sexual deviants, listing their addresses with the local authorities each time they move? And if so can it happen to me?
I really don’t think I’ve done anything wrong, but a few years ago I was on one of the free and dirty beaches under the Pitons in St Lucia I took out my camera to take a scenery shot and the ex in the water. Some of the local boys who were playing on the beach decided they wanted me to take their picture and ran in front of me and started to pose. “No big deal,” I thought. I’m not good at taking pictures of people but the sooner I got this over with, the sooner they’d leave me alone. They would take a position without me prompting them, I would take a picture and they would run back and see the results.
I think it was the 3rd or 4th picture that I noticed that one of them was taking off his trunks and that there had been another who was already naked. I should have asked myself why they needed to get naked for me. Was this something that they did before for other people for other reasons? Where were their parents or why did one of them had a black eye? No, in
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not for sex with children or child pornography in any form, but I wonder where do we draw the line and if the line was drawn already, was it done in the sand, where it's moveable and or easily erased? Will we stop at arresting little girls for being foolish and childlike, or will we go further?
hmm...interesting question...I think that these children need to be careful as the law is merely protecting them from persons that can do REAL harm to in point my best friend and I were @ a local fair and this little girl came out of no where and held my friend's hand. She was cute and adorable but it was creepy for me because she didn't know either of us...I then ask him if you think on some crazy level that kids put some sort of energy that says they want something they couldn't possibly want? Of course we as adults know better...but I just wonder sometimes...
ReplyDeleteThey day will come when you can't bathe your own 1-year-old child (because the child is, of course, naked).
ReplyDeleteGayte - You are right the laws are written to protect children, but not lock them away and cast them as sex offenders for the rest of their lives. Kids do silly things and most times the intentions behind their actions are not criminal at all. As for your analogy, are you saying that because therir child protection laws, the little girl should have been locked up because she exhibited a certain level of friendliness? I don't think so.
ReplyDeleteI remember when I was 8 or 9 and boys would whip out their dicks just to see who was bigger. I remember when I was even younger and played the game of I'll show you mine if you show yours with the girls, should we then have all been locked away? I don't think so. Children are children and nowadays they have more stuff to show how silly they are. Who's fault is that, theirs?
Dusty Boot - Yep, the rules and the laws are becoming more and more restrictive and yet I'm not sure as a society we are any better off because of them.
No I am not saying that, I am saying that kids do things that we as adults should help them analogy was just saying how innocent kids are and that is just scary sometimes...
ReplyDeleteGayte-keeper - Ok, I understand now. Point taken.
ReplyDeletecute kids. Sad that they felt to need to lose their trunks. That's is very strange to me. If my nephew ever takes off his anything to have a picture, there will be a long talk to follow.
ReplyDeleteOne Man - The kids were cute as kids go and I remember liking them to a certain point. But as for your nephew, I would suggest having that talk soon about not trusting all adults for his own safety and well before he starts to realize that he's different from girls. Last thing you or he needs is for him to be branded a sex offender at 11 or 12 for doing what kids do, which is act silly.
ReplyDeletewhat a waste of tax loot
ReplyDeleteI do recall Dateline doing that sting operation it was certainly entertaining and educational. It never ceases to amaze me how foolish some people can be when it comes to getting laid, yes we all like or even love sex, but most of us have morals.
ReplyDeleteThe girls were being girls flirting and whorish as it may have seen to the authorites these girls were just doing what young girls do these days, times have changed, young people know far more about sexuality than those of us from yesteryear.
I do not believe that criminal charges should be brought against the youngins, but instead they should have to enroll in Planned Parenthood, HIV/AIDS Prevention courses and address an audience of their peers to explain what it means to abide by the law. Under no circumstances should they be faced with registering as Sexual Preditors that would hinder their chances for a productive life.
Man you better be careful when traveling to the islands and other countries, the youth are so liberal and prepared to do an act that it makes you wonder how much of this mess have they been exposed to, and whom taught it to them. Nudity is accepted throughout most other countries and the native children find it a way to make a quick buck by allowing men to take pictures of their young bodies. Whatever happen to the children running up to you for money or goods they can't get or afford in their country? I used to pack varous old jeans and things to give to the natives because in some places a simply pair or jeans cost them a grip!
I have a friend whos daughter did this. The police didn't charge her with anything, but I guess they could have.
ReplyDeleteThis is something that kids are doing and even has a name.. "sexting"
I think that parents with teens should do just one thing: SHUT THE INTERNET OFF ON THE PHONE. They can still text, they can still talk, they don't need to be sending pictures back and forth. Let them have that privledge when they get a job and can pay the bill themselves.
As for your nudy pic of the boys. Yes, I would suggest you keep that one to yourself. Yes you were on a clothing optional beach, so you might be able to claim some Nat Geo exemption, but really you are the adult and you know they shouldn't be taking their clothes off for random men with cameras. And where were their parents?!?
I actually commented a long response...damn blogger (or either my internet connection)...has ate it.
ReplyDeleteI'll haveto come back once I remember everything I said. Damn! It was a fairly intelligent comment.
Torrance - It's surprising how much state and local government can't get money to fix that big pot hole in the middle of the road, but give a man a chance to make a name for himself and they'll find that cash in a heartbeat.
ReplyDeleteChet - You are right, the laws are written to protect children and not sentence them for life for behaving like children. I think sometimes we as adults forget what it was like when we were growing up and lose sight of the things that we could have gotten into if we had the advantages of todays youth.
RunningMom - Your friend's child is lucky. They are starting to do this in a couple of states now from what I've read recently. But turn off the internet and tell them not to do it and kids will still find a way to act up.
And the St Lucia thing, it wasn't a nude beach and I hadn't expected anyone to behave as if it were. But my guilt trip was not that there were 2 naked boys in front of me (and only 1 picture of the 5 I took has any nudity that can be seen), but that I would be automatically accused and convicted of something I had no thoughts about. A self-preservation thing kicked in that over rid everything else and I'm not sure I liked that.
BBB - What can I say? I bet it would have been really interesting.
Sorry you said "free and dirty" and my mind went to "nude" lol
ReplyDeleteRunningMom - Hmm, I can see where your mind was at, lol. No most of the good beaches are owned by the various hotels and you have to pay to get on them or be a hotel guest. The other beaches are dirty looking and not really attractive, but they don't have other people from NJ which makes up for a whole lot of things.